Series CBC - Incurable and criminal patient casebooks

Date Range1778 - 1864, incurable 1778-1815, incurable & criminal 1816-40
Quantity37.5 cm, 5 volumes
ProvenanceState Criminal Lunatic Asylum

Strictly speaking, casebook entries derive their provenance from Bethlem Royal Hospital in the case of incurable patients, and from the State Criminal Lunatic Asylum in the case of criminal patients, as Bethlem officers were paid by the state to administer and provide care for criminal lunatics.

ArrangedArranged and numbered chronologically by archivist.
Related Series

CB  Patient casebooks 1778 - 1864

Part of

11  Clinical and other patient records

Inventory Listing

CBC-01 Incurable and criminal patient casebook

Contains casenotes of Monro, Tuthill and Morison on both male and female patients. Strictly speaking, casebook entries derive their provenance from Bethlem Royal Hospital in the case of incurable patients, and from the State Criminal Lunatic Asylum in the case of criminal patients, as Bethlem officers were paid by the state to administer and provide care for criminal lunatics.
This item contains references to: Monro, Edward Thomas; Morison, Alexander; medical records; Tuthill, George Leman; forensic medicine.

Click here for online page by page access to this book. (Access is by subscription to Findmypast).

Creator State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date range 1778 - 1840, incurable patients 1778-1815, incurable and criminal patients 1816-1840    Quantity 7.5 cm, 1 volume
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier CBC-01 Series Box Number B2-4 Series CBC
CBC-02 Criminal patient casebook

Contains casenotes on both male and female patients.
This item contains references to: forensic medicine; medical records.

Click here for online page by page access to this book. (Access is by subscription to Findmypast).

Creator State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date range 1816 - 1850    Quantity 7.5 cm, 1 volume
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier CBC-02 Series Box Number B2-4 Series CBC
CBC-03 Criminal patient casebook

Contains casenotes on both male and female patients.
This item contains references to: forensic medicine; medical records.

Click here for online page by page access to this book. (Access is by subscription to Findmypast).

Creator State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date range 1850 - 1857    Quantity 7.5 cm, 1 volume
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier CBC-03 Series Box Number B2-4 Series CBC
CBC-04 Criminal patient casebook

Contains casenotes on both male and female patients.
This item contains references to: forensic medicine; medical records.

Click here for online page by page access to this book. (Access is by subscription to Findmypast).

Creator State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date range 1857 - 1862    Quantity 7.5 cm, 1 volume
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier CBC-04 Series Box Number B2-4 Series CBC
CBC-05 Criminal patient casebook

Contains casenotes on both male and female patients.
This item contains references to: forensic medicine; medical records.

Click here for online page by page access to this book. (Access is by subscription to Findmypast).

Creator State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date range 1863 - 1864    Quantity 7.5 cm, 1 volume
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier CBC-05 Series Box Number B2-4 Series CBC

Published by the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, 14 May 2014
Listed by The Archives Team
HTML edition
Updated 7 May 2024

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