Provenance - Creators and Custodians

BM Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital (Joint Hospital)
Date Range: 1948 - 1982 [ Series BEC - Estates correspondence ] [ Series BLR - Tenancy and lease registers ] [ Series BMG - Bethlem and Maudsley Gazette ] [ Series BMO - Building records of hospital at Monks Orchard ] [ Series DCV - Reports on and valuations of properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series DCW - Reports on and valuations of individual properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series ECB - Commemorative and other brochures produced by the hospital ] [ Series ECC - Files of brochures, reports and event programmes from other hospitals ] [ Series EMI - Minutes and papers of Estate Management and Investment Committee ] [ Series EO - Collection of prints and drawings ] [ Series EXE - Minutes and papers of Executive and predecessors ] [ Series FLA - Bethlem House Governor's correspondence with hospital's solicitors concerning Bethlem endowment estates ] [ Series HCM - Minutes of the Hospital Committee and predecessors ] [ Series HCP - Papers of the Hospital Committee and its predecessor ] [ Series HCQ - Minutes and papers of sub-committees and working parties of the Hospital Committee and its predecessor ] [ Series HCR - Hospital Committee members' attendance book ] [ Series HLB - Correspondence and related filing concerning hospital estate at Monks Orchard ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series JSP - Photographs of medical staff of, and other persons connected with, Bethlem, the Maudsley, or the Joint Hospital ] [ Series JTR - Triennial statistical reports and related reports ] [ Series MCC - Minutes and papers of Medical Committee ] [ Series MCD - Minutes and papers of Clinical Services Group and predecessors ] [ Series MCE - Minutes and papers of Sub-Committees and working parties of the Medical Committee ] [ Series MCF - Minutes and papers of sub-committees and working parties of the Medical Executive Committee ] [ Series MCG - Minutes and papers of joint sub-committees of the Medical Committee and the Institute of Psychiatry's Academic Board ] [ Series MRG - Papers on the maintenance of the hospital's medical records ] [ Series MUN - Muniment schedules ] [ Series NEW - Newspapers and journals, or extracts therefrom, collected by the hospitals ] [ Series NUR - Minutes and papers of Nursing Forum and predecessors ] [ Series PPJ - Papers of patients ] [ Series RES - Research Committee minutes and papers ] [ Series SAS - Papers concerning the setting up of the Special Assessment and Supervision Service ] [ Series SB - Salary books and related records ] [ Series SCM - Minutes of Sports and Social Club and predecessor ] [ Series SEB - Staff employment registers and related records ] [ Series SEP - Staff emergency procedures ] [ Series SHD - Minutes and papers of meetings of Heads of Departments ] [ Series SHR - Minutes and papers of Joint Consultative Committee (Staff Side) and predecessor ] [ Series SPB - Private papers of members of staff ] [ Series SRJ - Guys' - Maudsley Neurosurgical Unit staff register ] [ Series TB - Minutes and papers of Trust Board and predecessors ] [ Series TBA - Minutes of Planning Committee ] [ Series TRA - Treasurer's and Receiver's accounts ] [ Series TRU - Minutes and papers of Trustees and predecessors ] [ Series TRW - Minutes of Sub-Committees of Finance and General Purposes Committee ] [ Series XIP - Maps of land belonging to Bethlem in East Kent, plans and specifications of buildings on these estates, and related material ] [ Series XMP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in West Kent ] [ Series XPP - Plans of buildings on land belonging to Bethlem in College Road, Dulwich ] [ Series ZAP - Ordnance Survey maps of land occupied, owned or otherwise relating to Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals ]
BR Bridewell Hospital
Date Range: 1556 -

Originally built as a palace for Henry VIII in New Bridge Street, by 1556 Bridewell had become a house of correction for petty offenders, vagrants and immoral persons. By 1574 (and possibly earlier) Bridewell and Bethlem were jointly administered by a Court of Governors. A separate house of occupations, or reformatory school for destitute and delinquent youths of both sexes, was added to Bridewell in 1830, originally in the grounds of Bethlem Royal Hospital at St George's Fields. Following the closure of the house of correction in 1855, the house of occupations changed its name to King Edward's Schools, and reduced the 'criminal element' in its admissions, in 1860. The boys' school was moved to Witley, Surrey in 1867, and the girls' school was closed in 1922. Bethlem Royal Hospital and King Edward's School continued to be administered jointly until the advent of the National Health Service in 1948.

[ Series BCB - Minutes of the Court of Governors ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series LHG - Lists of hospital Governors, officers and members of committees ]
BRH Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date Range: 1247 - [ Series ADA - General admission and discharge registers ] [ Series AIB - Patient admission indexes ] [ Series APB - Manual of procedures to document movement of patients ] [ Series ARA - General admission registers ] [ Series ARB - Incurable patient admission registers ] [ Series ARC - Voluntary boarder admission registers ] [ Series ARG - Papers on the maintenance of the hospital's administrative records ] [ Series BAP - Patient admission papers ] [ Series BAR - Annual reports ] [ Series BCK - Patient casualty registers ] [ Series BCL - Clothing ledgers ] [ Series BCR - Register of surgeons' and other consultants' visits ] [ Series BCV - Survey books and reports concerning hospital land ] [ Series BDA - Registers of bodies removed from mortuary ] [ Series BEC - Estates correspondence ] [ Series BEN - Entertainment programmes ] [ Series BIF - Furniture inventories ] [ Series BKB - Key books ] [ Series BLR - Tenancy and lease registers ] [ Series BMA - Steward's accounts for maintenance of patients ] [ Series BMO - Building records of hospital at Monks Orchard ] [ Series BPP - Admission papers of those not admitted as patients ] [ Series BRB - Rental books ] [ Series BRM - Building records of hospital at Moorfields ] [ Series BRR - Rent rolls ] [ Series BSA - Steward's accounts and cash books ] [ Series BSB - Steward's report books ] [ Series BTC - Tithe apportionment for Wainfleet St Mary ] [ Series BTR - Treatment registers ] [ Series BWR - Physician superintendent's weekly reports ] [ Series CB - Patient casebooks ] [ Series CLB - Letter books and files containing clerk's correspondence concerning Bethlem Royal and Bridewell Hospitals ] [ Series CNR - Contracts books ] [ Series CRB - Visiting clergy books ] [ Series DDR - Patient discharge, transfer and/or death registers and lists ] [ Series ECA - Material concerning hospital anniversary events ] [ Series ECB - Commemorative and other brochures produced by the hospital ] [ Series ELB - Physician superintendent's correspondence ] [ Series EO - Collection of prints and drawings ] [ Series ESC - Minutes of the Estates Sub-Committee ] [ Series ESP - Estate sales particulars ] [ Series FLA - Bethlem House Governor's correspondence with hospital's solicitors concerning Bethlem endowment estates ] [ Series FLB - Letterbooks containing incoming and copy outgoing general correspondence concerning Bethlem estates ] [ Series GEZ - Microfilmed minutes of the General Committee ] [ Series GRD - General, rent and expenditure ledgers ] [ Series HBH - Hospital histories ] [ Series HCM - Minutes of the Hospital Committee and predecessors ] [ Series HCQ - Minutes and papers of sub-committees and working parties of the Hospital Committee and its predecessor ] [ Series HLB - Correspondence and related filing concerning hospital estate at Monks Orchard ] [ Series HPA - Photographs of patients taken for the hospital by Henry Hering of Regent Street, London ] [ Series HPB - Glass negatives of photographs of patients taken for the hospital by Henry Hering of Regent Street, London ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series HPD - Lithographs of patients observed by Dr Alexander Morison (some of them resident at Bethlem) made for successive editions of his 'Physiognomy of Mental Diseases' ] [ Series HPE - Glass negatives of images intended for inclusion in Rev Geoffrey O'Donoghue's 'The Story of Bethlehem Hospital' (1914) ] [ Series IAP - Incurable admission papers ] [ Series ILB - Incoming and copy outgoing correspondence with Board of Control and predecessor ] [ Series ILC - Incurable patient account ledger ] [ Series JBS - Sermons and religious instructions relating to the hospital ] [ Series JBT - Printed orders of service of memorial services for deceased staff ] [ Series JLB - Correspondence of Physician Superintendent and others concerning the hospital chapel ] [ Series JSP - Photographs of medical staff of, and other persons connected with, Bethlem, the Maudsley, or the Joint Hospital ] [ Series LCP - Ledger of current prices ] [ Series LCR - Reports on the hospital from the Commissioners in Lunacy, and the responses of the hospital ] [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series LEG - Papers concerning patient complaints and legal actions ] [ Series LGB - Legacy books and related records ] [ Series LLB - Lincolnshire estates account and ledger books ] [ Series LMC - Manor court books for the Hospital's Lincolnshire estates ] [ Series LSB - Lantern slide catalogues ] [ Series LSC - Lantern slide collection ] [ Series MRF - Correspondence and papers concerning the Miller Relief Fund ] [ Series MUZ - Microfilmed muniment book ] [ Series NEW - Newspapers and journals, or extracts therefrom, collected by the hospitals ] [ Series OPA - Outpatient brochures ] [ Series OPC - Correspondence concerning the hospital's outpatient department ] [ Series OPR - Outpatient register ] [ Series OPT - Register of outpatient massage and electrical treatment ] [ Series ORL - Orchard Leaves, hospital magazine ] [ Series PBB - Patients' books ] [ Series PLC - Patient account ledgers and correspondence ] [ Series PNL - Patients Newsletters ] [ Series PPJ - Papers of patients ] [ Series SB - Salary books and related records ] [ Series SCM - Minutes of Sports and Social Club and predecessor ] [ Series SCO - Sports Club's cricket section's scorebook ] [ Series SCP - Papers concerning conduct of staff ] [ Series SEB - Staff employment registers and related records ] [ Series SEP - Staff emergency procedures ] [ Series SGF - Building records of hospital at St George's Fields ] [ Series SHR - Minutes and papers of Joint Consultative Committee (Staff Side) and predecessor ] [ Series SPB - Private papers of members of staff ] [ Series SRO - Standing rules and orders ] [ Series STO - Resident physician's orders ] [ Series TAT - Thematic apperception testing ] [ Series TBA - Minutes of Planning Committee ] [ Series TRA - Treasurer's and Receiver's accounts ] [ Series TRC - Treasurer's and Receiver's cash books ] [ Series UTD - Under the Dome, hospital magazine ] [ Series VAB - Visitors' names and addresses books ] [ Series VBB - Visitors' books ] [ Series VCB - Visitors' comments books ] [ Series VFB - Visitors' fees books ] [ Series VGR - Visiting Governors' report books ] [ Series VLC - Visitors' books ] [ Series VPW - Visitors' and patients' books for Witley convalescent establishment ] [ Series WSD - Film of Wounded Soldiers' Day ] [ Series WUC - Lantern slides, photographs and negatives held by Witley Unit ] [ Series XAP - Specifications, maps, plans and sketches of buildings, estates and land in Wainfleet St Mary, and other land belonging to Bethlem in Lincolnshire ] [ Series XBP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem at Charing Cross ] [ Series XCP - Plans of land belonging to Bethlem at Whitechapel ] [ Series XDP - Plans of land belonging to Bethlem at Mile End ] [ Series XEP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Piccadilly ] [ Series XFP - Plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Lime Street, London ] [ Series XGP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Bishopsgate, London ] [ Series XHP - Maps of land belonging to Bethlem in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, and plans and sketches of buildings on these estates ] [ Series XIP - Maps of land belonging to Bethlem in East Kent, plans and specifications of buildings on these estates, and related material ] [ Series XJP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Lower Clapton, Median and Glenarm Roads, London ] [ Series XKP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Crouch Hill, London ] [ Series XLP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in Shepherds Bush, London ] [ Series XMP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in West Kent ] [ Series XNP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in the environs of the City of London, excluding Bishopsgate and Lime Street ] [ Series XOP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in George Street, Richmond, Surrey ] [ Series YAP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site at Moorfields ] [ Series YBP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site at St George's Fields, Southwark ] [ Series YCP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site at Monks Orchard, Beckenham ] [ Series ZAP - Ordnance Survey maps of land occupied, owned or otherwise relating to Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals ]
BRI Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals
Date Range: 1574 - 1948

By 1574 (and possibly earlier) Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals were jointly administered by a Court of Governors. This arrangement between the two institutions (and, in the case of Bridewell, its sucessor King Edward's School) until the advent of the National Health Service in 1948. The chief administrative officers of the Hospitals were based at New Bridge Street throughout.

[ Series ALB - Letter book containing outgoing copy correspondence of Edward Richards Adams, Bridewell Hospital's accountant ] [ Series BAR - Annual reports ] [ Series BCB - Minutes of the Court of Governors ] [ Series BCV - Survey books and reports concerning hospital land ] [ Series BLB - Letter books containing clerk's outgoing copy correspondence concerning Bridewell Hospital ] [ Series BMO - Building records of hospital at Monks Orchard ] [ Series BPC - Press cuttings in custody of Bursar and Clerk to the Governors ] [ Series BRB - Rental books ] [ Series BSC - Rough minutes of Select Committee and other committees ] [ Series CAR - Committee of auditor's annual reports ] [ Series CCC - Correspondence with the Charity Commission, Bank of England and others regarding the hospitals' investments in stocks, bonds and loans ] [ Series CLB - Letter books and files containing clerk's correspondence concerning Bethlem Royal and Bridewell Hospitals ] [ Series COZ - Microfilmed minutes of the Court of Governors ] [ Series CSC - Minutes of the Criminal Lunatic Sub-Committee ] [ Series DLB - Letter books containing incoming and copy outgoing general correspondence concerning Bethlem Royal Hospital and convalescent establishment ] [ Series ESC - Minutes of the Estates Sub-Committee ] [ Series GCP - Papers of the General Committee ] [ Series GCR - General Committee members' attendance statistics ] [ Series GEN - Minutes of the General Committee ] [ Series HBH - Hospital histories ] [ Series HCM - Minutes of the Hospital Committee and predecessors ] [ Series IFR - Report on property and funds for support of incurable patients ] [ Series JBS - Sermons and religious instructions relating to the hospital ] [ Series JCA - Bethlem Chaplain Committee rough minute book ] [ Series JCB - Bethlem Chaplain Committee papers and correspondence ] [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series LEG - Papers concerning patient complaints and legal actions ] [ Series LGB - Legacy books and related records ] [ Series LHG - Lists of hospital Governors, officers and members of committees ] [ Series LLB - Lincolnshire estates account and ledger books ] [ Series MCA - Minutes of Bethlem Medical Sub-Committee ] [ Series MUN - Muniment schedules ] [ Series NBC - Minutes of New Bethlem Sub-Committee ] [ Series NEW - Newspapers and journals, or extracts therefrom, collected by the hospitals ] [ Series NPS - Nursing and Hospital Officers pension scheme ] [ Series RCM - Rough minutes of the Court of Governors ] [ Series RSM - Rough minutes of Bethlem Sub-Committee ] [ Series SRO - Standing rules and orders ] [ Series XAP - Specifications, maps, plans and sketches of buildings, estates and land in Wainfleet St Mary, and other land belonging to Bethlem in Lincolnshire ]
CC Charity Commissioners
Date Range: 1825 - 1993
CHC Croydon Community Health Council

The Croydon Community Health Council was an independent statutory body designed to represent the interests of the local community in the Health Service to those responsible for managing it. Its members were either appointed by the London Borough of Croydon or the South West Thames Regional Health Authority, or elected by local voluntary organisations.

[ Series CHA - Annual reports ] [ Series CHB - Meeting papers and correspondence ]
CMH Croydon Mental Hospital
Date Range: 26 June 1903 - February 1937 [ Series CWA - Patient casebooks ] [ Series CWB - Private patient casebooks ] [ Series CWC - Departures and deaths patient casebooks ] [ Series QBB - Minute Books of the Warlingham Branch of National Asylum Workers' Union, later the Mental Hospital and Institutional Workers' Union ] [ Series QCA - Annual Reports ] [ Series QCB - Commemorative and other brochures produced by the hospital ] [ Series QCM - Ordnance Survey maps of land and buildings on the hospital site at Croydon ] [ Series QDD - Chapel of St Francis Records ] [ Series QDM - Papers relating to conduct of staff ] [ Series QHZ - Ledgers ] [ Series QKZ - Staff Registers ] [ Series QLZ - Wages and Salary Books ] [ Series QNN - Case Notes ] [ Series QNZ - Minutes and papers of Warlingham Park Hospital Management Committee, its predecessors and successors ] [ Series QPA - Photographs ] [ Series QQA - Daybooks ] [ Series QQZ - Staff handbooks and instructions ] [ Series QRA - Treasurers Account Books ] [ Series QRB - Volume of quarterly accounts ] [ Series QRZ - Superannuation and Pension Papers ] [ Series QSA - Building Records ] [ Series QTT - Medical Register ] [ Series QWA - Summaries of Patient Numbers ] [ Series WDA - Death registers and certificates ] [ Series WDB - Discharge and transfer registers ] [ Series WPR - Pathological registers ] [ Series YEP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site in Croydon ]
EF Mrs Elizabeth Ferrier

Grand-daughter of W K Brown, agent for Monks Orchard Estate from the end of the nineteenth century. Lived at Holly Lodge until the age of six, when she emigrated to Canada with her mother.

[ Series ESP - Estate sales particulars ]
HA The Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital Special Health Authority
Date Range: 1982 - 1994 [ Series ARG - Papers on the maintenance of the hospital's administrative records ] [ Series BMG - Bethlem and Maudsley Gazette ] [ Series DCV - Reports on and valuations of properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series ECA - Material concerning hospital anniversary events ] [ Series EXE - Minutes and papers of Executive and predecessors ] [ Series EXG - Minutes and papers of Joint Working Party of the Management Team of Officers (Policy) and predecessors and King's College Hospital's Camberwell Health Management Team and predecessors ] [ Series HBH - Hospital histories ] [ Series HCM - Minutes of the Hospital Committee and predecessors ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series JAR - Annual reports ] [ Series JCC - Minutes and papers of committees and working parties run jointly with Camberwell Health Authority ] [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series MCC - Minutes and papers of Medical Committee ] [ Series MCD - Minutes and papers of Clinical Services Group and predecessors ] [ Series MCE - Minutes and papers of Sub-Committees and working parties of the Medical Committee ] [ Series MCF - Minutes and papers of sub-committees and working parties of the Medical Executive Committee ] [ Series MCG - Minutes and papers of joint sub-committees of the Medical Committee and the Institute of Psychiatry's Academic Board ] [ Series MCH - Papers of joint sub-committees of the Medical Executive Committee and the Institute of Psychiatry's Academic Board ] [ Series MCI - Papers of joint sub-committees of the Medical Executive Committee and the London Borough of Southwark's Social Services Department ] [ Series RES - Research Committee minutes and papers ] [ Series SAS - Papers concerning the setting up of the Special Assessment and Supervision Service ] [ Series SB - Salary books and related records ] [ Series SPB - Private papers of members of staff ] [ Series TB - Minutes and papers of Trust Board and predecessors ] [ Series TRU - Minutes and papers of Trustees and predecessors ]
IOP Institute of Psychiatry and predecessors
Date Range: 1945
LCC London County Council
Date Range: 1889 - 1965

Until the advent of the National Health Service in 1948, London County Council ran, through its Asylums Committee, a number of asylums, including Colney Hatch, Hanwell, Banstead, Claybury and the Maudsley, as well as a pathological laboratory, based at Claybury from 1894 to 1914 and at the Maudsley from 1914 (prior to its opening as a civilian psychiatric hospital) onwards. The committee was known as the Asylums Committee from its establishment in 1889, as the Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee after the Mental Deficiency Act 1913, and as the Mental Hospitals Committee from 1 August 1922 onwards. By the late 1930s, it appears to have been governed by the Council's Public Health Committee. The work of the pathological laboratory expanded during and after the First World War, and gained University of London teaching hospital status for the Maudsley in 1924. London County Council relinquished the management of the Maudsley in 1948, and in the same year the hospital's medical school was created an institute of the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, and renamed the Institute of Psychiatry.

[ Series ECC - Files of brochures, reports and event programmes from other hospitals ] [ Series LAR - Annual reports of Asylums Committee and its successors ] [ Series MFA - General correspondence files concerning the Maudsley Hospital ] [ Series MFB - Property correspondence files concerning the Maudsley Hospital ]
LOF League of Friends of Croydon Mental Health
Date Range: 1955 - 1999

A Visitors and Friends [of Warlingham Park Hospital patients] Association was set up as a charity in 1955, and affiliated with the National Association of Leagues of Friends. By 1965 it had changed its name to the League of Friends of Warlingham Park Hospital, and in 1998 its name changed again to the League of Friends of Croydon Mental Health. Some office space at Warlingham Park was given over to the activities of committee members, which included visiting patients on the wards and supporting hospital events and projects. The affairs of the League of Friends were wound up shortly after the closure of Warlingham Park Hospital in 1999.

[ Series FMP - Minutes and papers of League of Friends of Croydon Mental Health and predecesors ]
MH Maudsley Hospital
Date Range: 1923 - [ Series AIM - Patient admission indexes ] [ Series AJL - Papers of Sir Aubrey Lewis ] [ Series ARN - Inpatient admission registers ] [ Series ARO - Outpatient register ] [ Series CFM - Microfilmed patient casenotes ] [ Series CRM - Registers of religious services ] [ Series DDS - Patient discharge registers ] [ Series EM - Papers of Edward Mapother ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series JSP - Photographs of medical staff of, and other persons connected with, Bethlem, the Maudsley, or the Joint Hospital ] [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series MER - Engineer's reports ] [ Series MHA - Copy orders of Maudsley Mental Hospital and Mill Hill Emergency Hospital Sub-Committees ] [ Series MHB - Memoranda from Chief Officer of the London County Council's Mental Hospitals Department to the Medical Superintendent ] [ Series MSR - Medical Superindent's annual reports ] [ Series PPJ - Papers of patients ] [ Series SPB - Private papers of members of staff ] [ Series SRM - Staff employment registers and related records ] [ Series WMG - Papers of Willy Mayer-Gross (1889-1961) ] [ Series YDP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site at Denmark Hill ] [ Series ZAP - Ordnance Survey maps of land occupied, owned or otherwise relating to Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals ]
MHE Mill Hill Emergency Hospital
Date Range: 24 August 1939 - c. 1945

Run by the Mental Hospitals Department of the London County Council for the Ministry of Health, mainly for soldiers who had returned from the front suffering neuroses.

[ Series ARN - Inpatient admission registers ] [ Series HPC - Collections of photographs, postcards and related material ] [ Series MCB - Minutes of Medical Committee ] [ Series MHA - Copy orders of Maudsley Mental Hospital and Mill Hill Emergency Hospital Sub-Committees ] [ Series MHC - Copy extracts of resolutions of London County Council's Mental Hospitals Department ] [ Series MSR - Medical Superindent's annual reports ]
MT Professor Michael Robert Trimble
NT The Bethlem and Maudsley NHS Trust
Date Range: 1994 - 1999 [ Series DCV - Reports on and valuations of properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series DCW - Reports on and valuations of individual properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series ECA - Material concerning hospital anniversary events ] [ Series EXE - Minutes and papers of Executive and predecessors ] [ Series EXF - Papers of working parties of Executive Group of Officers (Policy) ] [ Series JAR - Annual reports ] [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series LEG - Papers concerning patient complaints and legal actions ] [ Series MCC - Minutes and papers of Medical Committee ] [ Series MCD - Minutes and papers of Clinical Services Group and predecessors ] [ Series NEW - Newspapers and journals, or extracts therefrom, collected by the hospitals ] [ Series NUR - Minutes and papers of Nursing Forum and predecessors ] [ Series PPJ - Papers of patients ] [ Series SPB - Private papers of members of staff ] [ Series TB - Minutes and papers of Trust Board and predecessors ] [ Series TRU - Minutes and papers of Trustees and predecessors ]
RC Doctor Robert Hugh Cawley
Date Range: 1924 - 1999
SCLA State Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Date Range: 1816 -

The State Criminal Lunatic Asylum was established by the Home Department at Bethlem Royal Hospital in 1816, and remained there until new facilities were opened at Broadmoor in 1863 (for the majority of female patients) and 1864 (for the majority of male patients). A few criminal patients remained at Bethlem Royal Hospital into the 1880s.

[ Series ARD - Criminal patient admission registers ] [ Series CBC - Incurable and criminal patient casebooks ] [ Series CDW - Discharge warrants ] [ Series CRW - Reception warrants ] [ Series CSA - Criminal resolutions, correspondence and returns ] [ Series GR - Gaol returns of criminals transferred to Bethlem Royal Hospital ] [ Series SB - Salary books and related records ]
SLAF South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Date Range: 1 November 2006 - [ Series LEB - Bills and acts of Parliament concerning the hospital, and related material ] [ Series TB - Minutes and papers of Trust Board and predecessors ]
SLAM South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
Date Range: 1999 - 31 October 2006 [ Series DCV - Reports on and valuations of properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series DCW - Reports on and valuations of individual properties, mostly endowment properties ] [ Series EXE - Minutes and papers of Executive and predecessors ] [ Series MCC - Minutes and papers of Medical Committee ] [ Series TB - Minutes and papers of Trust Board and predecessors ]
TBH Thomas Barclay Hennell
Date Range: 16 April 1903 - November 1945?

See Michael MacLeod's Thomas Hennell: Countryman, Artist and Writer (Cambridge University Press, 1988) for biographical details.

[ Series PPK - Hennell's literary remains, and files documenting the research that lay behind the biography "Thomas Hennell: Countryman, artist and writer" (Cambridge University Press, 1988) ]
WPH Warlingham Park Hospital
Date Range: February 1937 - 1999 [ Series CHB - Meeting papers and correspondence ] [ Series CWA - Patient casebooks ] [ Series CWC - Departures and deaths patient casebooks ] [ Series HAS - Reports and correspondence from visits by the Health Advisory Service ] [ Series LEG - Papers concerning patient complaints and legal actions ] [ Series PPJ - Papers of patients ] [ Series QAB - Hospital farms ] [ Series QAM - Administrator's meetings ] [ Series QAU - Admissions unit multi disciplinary team minutes and papers ] [ Series QAZ - Group Homes ] [ Series QBB - Minute Books of the Warlingham Branch of National Asylum Workers' Union, later the Mental Hospital and Institutional Workers' Union ] [ Series QBC - Psychiatric Health Care Planning Team Minutes and Agendas ] [ Series QBZ - Cash Recipts Books ] [ Series QCA - Annual Reports ] [ Series QCB - Commemorative and other brochures produced by the hospital ] [ Series QCC - Patient Census and Statistics ] [ Series QCO - Community Care papers and correspondence ] [ Series QCZ - Medical Records Department ] [ Series QDD - Chapel of St Francis Records ] [ Series QDH - Day Hospitals ] [ Series QDM - Papers relating to conduct of staff ] [ Series QDZ - Record of Reward Monies - Wards ] [ Series QEE - Whaakey Whaakey ] [ Series QEZ - Psychogeriatric Papers ] [ Series QFA - St Mary's Hospital Transfer ] [ Series QFZ - Record of Reward Monies - Hospital Workshops ] [ Series QGG - Material concerning hospital anniversary events ] [ Series QGZ - Record of Reward Monies - Occupational Therapy Workshops ] [ Series QHD - Heads of Clinical Departments Committee minutes and papers ] [ Series QHH - Reports and brochures produced by Croydon authorities ] [ Series QHZ - Ledgers ] [ Series QII - Continuing Treatment/Long Term Multi Disciplinary Team/Working Party ] [ Series QIZ - Hospital Information ] [ Series QJA - Newspaper Cuttings ] [ Series QJJ - The Warlingham Parker, hospital magazine ] [ Series QJZ - Establishment Committee Minutes ] [ Series QKA - Unit Management Team minutes and agendas ] [ Series QKZ - Staff Registers ] [ Series QLL - Patient Feedback ] [ Series QLZ - Wages and Salary Books ] [ Series QMA - Death Notices ] [ Series QMM - Reports from visits of the Commissioners in Lunacy, later the Board of Control ] [ Series QMZ - Medical Superintendent's correspondence ] [ Series QNA - Professional Executive Committee ] [ Series QNN - Case Notes ] [ Series QNS - Nursing Services Papers ] [ Series QNZ - Minutes and papers of Warlingham Park Hospital Management Committee, its predecessors and successors ] [ Series QOH - Minutes and papers of Occupational Health committee ] [ Series QOT - Occupational Therapy Department administration and committee meeting minutes and papers ] [ Series QPA - Photographs ] [ Series QPD - Psychiatric Division Papers ] [ Series QPT - Annual Reports of the psychiatric tutor ] [ Series QQA - Daybooks ] [ Series QQZ - Staff handbooks and instructions ] [ Series QRA - Treasurers Account Books ] [ Series QRC - Treasurer Correspondence ] [ Series QRW - Mental Health Review ] [ Series QRZ - Superannuation and Pension Papers ] [ Series QSA - Building Records ] [ Series QSP - Strategic Planning ] [ Series QTA - 'Newsline' Croydon Health Authority's staff newsletter ] [ Series QTT - Medical Register ] [ Series QUA - Mental Health Act Commission ] [ Series QUP - Minutes and papers of the Core Unite planning group ] [ Series QUU - Croydon Joint Consultative Committee ] [ Series QUZ - Drug Programmes and Advice ] [ Series QVA - Voluntary Services ] [ Series QVB - Visitors Book ] [ Series QVZ - War Damage ] [ Series QWA - Summaries of Patient Numbers ] [ Series QXA - Maintenance Estimates ] [ Series WBR - Burial registers and information ] [ Series WDA - Death registers and certificates ] [ Series WDB - Discharge and transfer registers ] [ Series WPR - Pathological registers ] [ Series YEP - Maps and plans of land and buildings on the hospital site in Croydon ]

Published by the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, 14 May 2014
Listed by The Archives Team
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Updated 7 May 2024

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