Series ESP - Estate sales particulars

Date Range1815 - 24 June 1948, 1815-1816, 1920 and 1947-1948
Quantity35.6 cm, 150 volumes
ProvenanceBethlem Royal Hospital

Sales particulars for property sold by the hospital, as well as for the Monks Orchard estate.

Related Series
Part of

13  Estates: general

Inventory Listing

ESP-01 Auction particulars for the third, fourth and sixth sales of the fabric and fittings of Bethlem Hospital at Moorfields prior to its demolition

These volumes contain a record of prices achieved at auction.
This item contains references to: estate management.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 22 September 1815 - 25 March 1816    Quantity 4 cm, 4 volumes
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier ESP-01 Series Box Number D8-1 Series ESP
ESP-02 Sale particulars and plan of Monks Orchard estate
Image >>

Sale particulars include copy photographs of Spring Park House, Monks Orchard mansion, lake and gardens, Pond House and the White Hart public house. Copy photograph of Holly Lodge was cut out of sale particulars by Mrs Ferrier prior to deposit. On page 13 of sale particulars against description of Ham Farm is a pencil inscription as follows: 'Betty this is where you were born'.

Creator Mrs Elizabeth Ferrier
Date range 1920    Quantity 1 cm, 1 volume
Formats General Publications and Maps
Inventory Identifier ESP-02 Series Box Number C5-3 Series ESP
ESP-03 Sale particulars for hospital properties on Crouch End estate

This item contains references to: estate management; Crouch End, Haringay.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 27 November 1947 - 18 March 1948    Quantity 28.6 cm, 143 volumes
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier ESP-03 Series Box Number H3-3 Series ESP
ESP-04 Copies of sales particulars of East Sutton Estate, Kent

Includes plan and photographs. One of these volumes contains a record of prices achieved at auction.
This item contains references to: estate management; East Sutton Park, Kent.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 24 June 1948    Quantity 3 cm, 3 volumes
Formats General Publications and Drawings and/or Plans
Inventory Identifier ESP-04 Series Box Number H2-8 Series ESP
ESP-05 Sales particulars of the East Sutton Estate
Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital (Joint Hospital)
Date range 1954    Quantity 2 cm, 1 booklet
Inventory Identifier ESP-05 Series Box Number H6-4 Series ESP

Published by the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, 14 May 2014
Listed by The Archives Team
HTML edition
Updated 7 May 2024

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