Series XMP - Maps and plans of land belonging to Bethlem in West Kent

Date Range1727 - August 1950, 1727, 1768 and 1948-1950
Quantity0.5 cm, 5 maps and plans
ProvenanceBethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital (Joint Hospital)
Related Series
Part of

14  Estates: maps and plans

Inventory Listing

XMP-01 Map showing land belonging to the hospital in East Sutton, near Maidstone, Kent

This item contains references to: East Sutton Park, Kent.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital (Joint Hospital)
Date range 1948    Quantity 0.1 cm, 3 maps
Formats Maps
Inventory Identifier XMP-01 Series Box Number G3-1 Series XMP
XMP-02 Plan of proposed cowshed on Brissenden Farm, East Sutton, near Maidstone, Kent

Drawn by Charles J. Elgar.
This item contains references to: East Sutton Park, Kent; Elgar, Charles J; BUILDING DESIGN.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital (Joint Hospital)
Date range August 1950    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 plan
Formats Drawings and/or Plans
Inventory Identifier XMP-02 Series Box Number C09/2 Series XMP
XMP-03 Plan of land in the parish of Westerham, part of the estate of George Lake

Based on survey of 1768.
This item contains references to: Westerham, Kent; Lake, George.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range c. 1768    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 plan
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier XMP-03 Series Box Number S3-3 Series XMP
XMP-04 Plan of farm in the parish of Staplehurst, part of the estate of George Lake

Based on survey of 1768. Includes a perspective drawing of the farm buildings.
This item contains references to: Staplehurst, Kent; Lake, George.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range c. 1768    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 plan
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier XMP-04 Series Box Number S3-3 Series XMP
XMP-05 Plan of Clay's farm in the parish of Orpington, Kent

Based on survey of 1727 by John Holmes.
This item contains references to: Holmes, John; Orpington, Bromley.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range c. 1727    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 plan
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier XMP-05 Series Box Number S3-3 Series XMP
XMP-06 Map of the Parish of Stone, Kent, showing North Kent Railway
Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1860 - 1869    Quantity 2 cm, 1 plan
Inventory Identifier XMP-06 Series Box Number M1-08 Series XMP

Published by the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, 14 May 2014
Listed by The Archives Team
HTML edition
Updated 7 May 2024

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