Series PRB - Print Blocks

Date Range1910 - 1949
Quantity110 cm, 7 boxes
ProvenanceBethlem Royal Hospital
Related Series
Part of

09  Pictorial

Inventory Listing

PRB-01 Print blocks

Mostly A5 size blocks of etched photographs- interior chapel at Monks Orchard; gardens at Monks Orchard; cows at Monks Orchard; cricket at Monks Orchard; woods at Monks Orchard; exterior chapel at Monks orchard; admin building monks orchard; interior ward loung; interior laboratory; interior bedroom with verandah; exterior grounds at Monks Orchard; interior ward row of beds; interior bedside table; interior snooker/billiard room; interior art room

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1930 - 1949, approximate 1930s to 1940s    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-01 Series Box Number E2-1 Series PRB
PRB-02 Print blocks

Blocks of various shapes and sizes, many from one of O'Donoghue's 'History of Bethlem'- 'Bethlem Royal Hospital'; illustration of Moorfields Bethlem; c17th portait (unknown person?); c16th portrait (unknown person); letter block; cattle grazing (Monks Orchard?); plan (of Bishopsgate Bethlem); Bethlem Hospital rhododendron; Plan of Monks Orchard; interior of Southwark Bethlem?; illustration of Bethlem Ball; illustration of Southwark Bethlem with dome; illustration of Bethlem Ball?; cartoon from Punch; image of an alter or memorial; illustration of Greeks?; plan?; Bethlem coat of arms; Bethlem coat of arms with title x 4; detailed Bethlem coat of arms; Francis Atterby; illustration of c16th scene

This item contains reference to: O'Donoghue, Edward Geoffrey

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1910 - 1949, approximately 1910s to end of 1940s    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-02 Series Box Number E2-1 Series PRB
PRB-03 Print blocks

Approximately 50 blocks, all from O'Donoghue's History of Bethlem

This item contains reference to: O'Donoghue, Edward Geoffrey

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1910 - 1919    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-03 Series Box Number E2-1 Series PRB
PRB-04 Print blocks

Approximately 50 blocks, all from O'Donoghue's History of Bethlem

This item contains reference to: O'Donoghue, Edward Geoffrey

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1910 - 1919    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-04 Series Box Number E4-1 Series PRB
PRB-05 Print blocks

Contains 5 blocks from 1947 booklet (in ECA-03), and 5 other blocks

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1947    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-05 Series Box Number E4-1 Series PRB
PRB-06 Print blocks

Blocks seem to be of images from O'Donoghue's History of Bethlem. Many of these blocks have oxidised or are oxidising.

This item contains reference to: O'Donoghue, Edward Geoffrey

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1910 - 1919, Approximately 1910s    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-06 Series Box Number E4-1 Series PRB
PRB-07 Print blocks

Blocks of Under the Dome covers

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1890 - 1929    Quantity 30 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-07 Series Box Number E4-1 Series PRB
PRB-08 Printing blocks

10 printing blocks, some seem to be taken from O'Donoghue's 'The Story of Bethlem' and some covers of 'Autumn Leaves'

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1910 - 1939, 1910s? To 1930s?    Quantity 15 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-08 Series Box Number E3-6 Series PRB
PRB-09 Printing blocks

Printing blocks for the 1930s booklet

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1930 - 1939, 1930s    Quantity 15 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-09 Series Box Number E3-6 Series PRB
PRB-10 Printing blocks

Printing blocks ofr O'Donoghue's 'The Story of Bethlem'.

Creator Bethlem Royal Hospital
Date range 1913 - 1914    Quantity 15 cm, 1 box
Inventory Identifier PRB-10 Series Box Number E3-6 Series PRB

Published by the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, 14 May 2014
Listed by The Archives Team
HTML edition
Updated 7 May 2024

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